As a new patient to the practice, you will have been asked to complete a questionnaire at registration. If you are on repeat medications it would be prudent to arrange an appointment with a GP in plenty of time before your next prescription is due so we can get the correct medication onto your records.
New Patient Registration - click on the link below to complete the appropriate forms. The registration forms can be printed off and signed, then brought into the surgery with the relevant proof of identification. The consent form should also be printed off and signed. We would be obliged if new patients did not attend the surgery with registration forms before 9.30am or after 5.30pm. It would be helpful if patients could provide a copy of any repeat medications along with their registration forms.
Over 16s Registration Form (PDF, 742KB)
Under 16s Registration Form (PDF, 703KB)
New Baby Registration Form (PDF, 367KB) Please note you will need to provide the 'National Health Service in Scotland Healthcare for your Baby (Form EC58)' which is issued by the registrar.
Consent to Release Information Form (PDF, 577KB) If you would like someone to speak to us on your behalf about your health you will need to specify the details on this form and send in to us before we can do so.
If you do not have access to the internet you can obtain a copy of the form(s) from reception. You will also be asked to complete a medical questionnaire for each person registering.
Please note the following document outlines how we use and manage your personal information.
How we use your medical information (DOCX, 21KB)
Please note: you will need the latest version of Adobe Reader to complete the registration form.